COVID-19 Quarantine, Designer Desk Diaries: Day 003

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Dear Journal,
When did I use so much equipment at work?

This was the first week my office embraced the working from home approach which meant saying goodbye to in-person meetings and face-to-face conversations. Our team lead had asked our team to start documenting how COVID-19 was impacting us (positively, negatively, creatively, etc.) and while my team has a weekly update going, I found this a great opportunity to share my story with those who don’t know how this could impact a designer.

So, here we go (this was from my first weekly update to the team):

I’m not sure how the rest of the week has been for others working from home, but I have found hours of high-intensity focused work, mixed in with a little “omg we are going to die” conversations from my housemates as I fill up on water. ((PSA announcement: drink lots of water- stay hydrated!))

These small breaks seem to be more mentally exhausting for me as someone wants to share the latest stat, discuss the plan of action for getting food, determining how a decontamination station could work in our garage, or I have to convince a husband that maybe playing golf isn’t the best choice.