Dear Journal, I have forgotten the reason why I am working from home (#WFH), but I am lovin' it (#BaDaDaBapBaa).
It's all too normal
As mentioned in a previous entry, working from home is not a drastic change in my lifestyle. The ability to view finishes and pull out binders for reference has become… well, non-existent, but, the overall ability to document drawings is pretty much consistent. I think the biggest challenge I am having now, as I end Day 14 of working from home, is the realization that I will be here for a while.
Let's talk about a master set up station
Initially, all I had was a laptop to complete my work. Then, I realized that two monitors are really needed to be able to reference things while completing tasks. Then, I discovered that looking down at my laptop isn’t very ergonomical, so I took some samples I had delivered to my home to prop up (until an actual laptop stand arrives). Since my connector for a second monitor has a dual plug, I found out I can now have a whopping three monitors (including my laptop screen in the middle!!! (I thought about shifting my laptop to the side, but frankly, I like that I have a flat wall behind me for video calls).
Now, I’m not done with this set up. Like I said, I still have a laptop stand waiting for me in the mail…. Then there are a few days of letting the package sit in the garage for our (decontamination station). But, now that everything is elevated, I have to get my second keyboard set up so I am not typing in the air on my elevated laptop!
The next things I am looking to add are some acoustical somethings to the wall in front of me. When I set up my room initially, I wanted all of my artwork on one wall, to act as my acoustics. When I decided randomly a week ago to completely flip the room, the artwork ended up behind me (nice as a backdrop) but does nothing for me acoustically.
I feel that this experience of getting settled in a working environment is both rewarding and worrisome. I love that I am starting to feel conformable with where I work and my set up. However, there is something about not needing this type of work station at home that allows me to keep the two totally separate (work happens at work, home life happens at home). I am finding it less enticing to want to come in to the room on the weekends, or stay in it after work to complete my paintings because…. Well, I’ve been in the room for 40 hours a week already!
And here I thought I would get so much done thanks to the commute!

Items shared
- Designing Spaces for Infection Control by MASS
- Daily COVID-19 Projections by IHME
- TEDconnects live discussions
- Design for Adaptability, Deconstruction, and Reuse by the AIA