COVID-19 Quarantine, Designer Desk Diaries: Day 009

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Dear Journal,
I still have hope that all webinar attendees - at any age - can find the mute button.

Today I was able to attend a few live webinars, all using different platforms, and set up in different ways. During lunch, I had one using GoToWebinar and was able to hear fellow peers from across the nation clearing their throat, and using their microwaves. What I found enjoyable about the other webinars I attended was that attendees were signed in all on mute. No chances for coughs. No chances for keyboard typing.


Now, I am probably one of the few people who love the ability to be on a video call for work. If I’m going to do my hair, make-up, and put on a nice blouse, you bet I want to make it worth it! As a home-body, I feel like I am thriving in this crazy situation we are in while others are on the verge of a break down. I want this to work. I want the ability to work remote to be successful to show my clients the future possibilities of how work areas can be developed.


My end thought for today is really more circling back to my initial thought bubble: 

We can do this, we just need to mindful of trying new things, and being aware of the opportunities given to us.